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"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
Thomas Jefferson


Nullify the Act of 1871, Statehood offer to Puerto Rico


As a priority issue for the party, a nullification of the Act of 1871, restoring elections for the offices of the republic for the united stated of America under the organic constitution for said republic, which were abandoned with the Act of 1871. The immediate implementation of the original Article XIII and an offer of clemency to all BAR members who wish to give up their Titles of Foreign Nobility and work to restore the rule of the Law of the Land, Common Law.


A call for a convention of the states, by and for the people, under the peaceable right to assemble, without the benefits and / or services of the FEDERAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS, or their subsidiaries is the only way to make this happen.


If at this convention, it should be determined that the Act of 1871 should be found null and void, then an offer of Statehood should be offered to Puerto Rico as conciliation for being the scapegoat for an unlawful three tier trust for almost 150 years..


Needless to say from the primary platform initiative, this is a calling out of corporatism infecting government, and since each and every one of your registered, for profit courts are enforcing commercial transactions on "We the People" to feed the Bankster Ponzi schemes around the world, (Iceland excluded) this has got to change.









This paper genocide through the use of the birth certificate to turn living, breathing babies into dead thing corporations will come to an end. It is far better to turn in your BAR cards, and put up humble shingles as councilors at common law, than to let the masses get the idea that perhaps Shakespeare had it right, "Kill All The Lawyers!"

This would lead to chaos and we all should know it.

Furthermore, your use of police as a militarized mafia forces to enforce economic enslavement. And I can't honestly think of a law enforcement professional out there on the street that would have a problem with being a Sheriff's Deputy instead of a glorified corporate security guard anyway.



U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 10

"No State shall . . .make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"


You will note from the images at the right that there is still a dollar amount on one once of each coin.

50 Dollars for gold and One Dollar for silver. Know why? 401k's. That's still legal tender >>>>>>>
And if you have to pull out early and pay taxes, guess what? You're paying it on the face value of that legal tender, hello?


It will have to be up to a real Congress to decide the face value of currency moving forward, this author is of the opinion that the market value of goods and services would need to undergo serious deflation, or a reconstituted Congress would need to adjust the face value of gold and silver, one or the other.


Education has not, of course, been uninfluenced by the false left / right political paradigm. A serious overhaul of the primary public education system is needed. The current system is steeped in Orwellian double think to produce people who are good worker's without critical thinking. Here's the shortest sweetest example:  You think slavery was abolished in America, right? Let's read that Corporate 13th Amendment again shall we?


"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution


Now do you think this might explain our overcrowded prisons much? This is exactly why no one is taught anything about law in high school. It is also why there are over 60 million statutes, codes, rules and regulations (no mention of law in any of that!) on the books of the municipal corporations aimed at regulating YOUR  behavior.


What this party platform is about is trying The Great Experiment again, this time without corruption being built right into the system of its administration. It is once again time to show the world a shining beacon of hope in the form of a true representative republic form of government.


This is a problem for the United Nations which also is a corporate entity which only recognizes nations which are corporate entities operating under admiralty color of law. That will be a problem moving forward as other nations follow the example of America in claiming / reclaiming their countries national sovereignty without the benefit of municipal service corporations. The corporate UN belies its very name in the example of the so-called security council, which grants 3 sainted countries with veto power. Any matter worth being in front of the security council is worth bringing before the general assembly. There should be no veto power.


Charter Companies are / were the preferred business model in a constitutional republic. The Hudson Bay charter company is still doing quite well today in Canada. Traditionally, corporations existed only for a limited time for the purposes of public works infrastructure and when such projects were complete, the corporation was dissolved and the profits disbursed. It should also be noted that Charter Companies could have their charters revoked or restricted by the chartering State, within the bounds of common law, in cases of gross dereliction of fiduciary duty, or environmental hazard.


Since we are already talking about the dismantling of corporate bankster oligarchy in America, there is no reason not to transform your Corporation into a Charter Company anyway. I think somebody once said "Don't be evil."


In light of the revelations of Wikileaks Vault7 revelations, universal encryption for the Internet of Things should be a top priority for the security of the entire world. Since America has led the world in using the products of vulnerability, we have a duty to provide a means of secure, end to end universal encryption protocols.


Quite frankly, the top two minds who should be consulted on government standards for such are John MacAfee and Edward Snowden. Yes, that's right, we support not only full amnesty, but reinstatement and promotion of Edward Snowden!


Has it ever occurred to anyone else that maybe the big push for one world everything is a perverted attempt to present to the species of the greater cosmos a kind of de facto, by hook or by crook, organization that can speak with one voice for the entire planet in a wider exopolitical sense.

There have been far too many leaks. We the people are aware that something is going on. And it is time to come clean with the American public and join those other nations who are sharing. And look, deeper than deep, black budget people, you are just going to have to trust the clemency of your fellow man. We expect that you have done some messed up things.


The DRC supports the idea that if mankind is (or has) to take a major step into the wider universe, then we should do so by global consensus by equally respected countries. Which brings us to . .


At the time of this writing, the author is proposing these platform positions as a general idea's. This whole website is being put together quickly to meet a June 8th, 2017 deadline. I would expect that these positions will evolve and or expand as other's become involved.


I envision here a political party that can revive healthy conversation and debate between those who have at one time or another found themselves pulled back and forth from one end of the binary political spectrums. This party should be a real reflection of America, which is to say fiscally conservative yet socially liberal. We realize that there are two genders and, as Blair White so quaintly puts it "other" and if that's ok, then so is having a legitimate opposition party in America that is #NotOK with the status quo of economic enslavement by municipal corporation.

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